Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy raya guys !

hee~ okayy, ni post yg ida tk penah buad, since ade blog, hehe, well, ida lebeyh suke tulis psal my lifee than this thingy , but, ape salahnye tules mende2 mcm nih kan ? lol, okayokay,
tk nk la ckp bnyak2,
just nk wish sume kawan2 ida a Happy Raya Day (2011)
ida nk mintak maaf bnyak2 sbb ida tau ida ade bnyak salah kt korang kan ?
if ade, maafkan ye, cause, ida tk penah pon tepiker nk buad korang sume skaed hati ke, marah ke,
maybe tk sengaje, if sengaje pon, sory, maybe i just have to do it because i have too . lol ! sorry , :D
okey, tu je kot, k bubyee~! ;) 

babai see you later ilove you

Friday, August 19, 2011

yeah, i miss the old you , dude !
hurwm, ade something yg tk kene ke dengn kau ?
asal tk mcm dulu ?
kite skrng, diam je, like, for the last two days, kite tk becakap pon.
aku rinduu bergossip dngn kau, rindu gelak2 dngan kau, gadoe2 dngan kau, n bnyak la,
ke sebab ade something yg buad ko jdi mcm niey ? hurwm,
klau ade, cube la ckp dngn aku, but, jgn la smpi kite tk betegur dh ?
yes, aku faham keadaan ko skrng, but, kate kawan , besties lagii tu, tkkn la tk kongsi masalh ?
tkpe la if kite tk bole rpat dah, but, tk yah ar smpi tk ckp lgsung doe,
dh la, malas la nk citer ape2 dh... 


ni sume mesti sbb POMPUAN2 yg menyibuk hal org tuu, er ! dasar minah kampungan ! F*ck arr ! aku benci korng ! -.-' naseb baek sebaye, if tak, tau la ko korng pndai kan ? soo WHAT ? if pndai pon, knape  nk sibuk2 hal org laen, ? aduyyduyyduyy , hal sendiri pon tk bole nk settle . haish, ==' saba je aku.
#malas la nk gadoe2 kan ? . tk dpt pahale pon, :) 

babai see you later ilove you

Friday, August 12, 2011

besties :3

ee~ yeah, i love mhy besties, you guys always ade bile i needed someone or anybody when i have a problem, 
i love you guys for who you are .. :)
walaupun, hari2 korng
BULI (=.=') aku, but, aku syg korng, sbb, korng still bole buad aku gelak and happy hari2 :3 
i know im not very good at making jokes or make people laugh, cause, all i know is laugh and thats ME :)

soo, thats all i guess :) tata~! loveyou :* 
babai see you later ilove you